Below is a recap and itinerary of some of the things we discussed.
The Mission - The S.A.C. Regional Writers Group Program is designed to provide members who live in all areas of the country with a series of specific songwriting lessons and a network of fellow writers, lyricists and composers. The program is also designed to keep members informed about issues and changes in the music industry, while establishing unity among songwriters everywhere.
~ Collaboration Opportunities
~ Lesson Plans
~ Guest Speakers
~ Sharing of contacts, networks, information pertaining to the writing process from the beginning of an idea to the full production and promotion of material.
~ Monthly challenges to increase writing skills
~ Performance and critique from fellow writers (P.A. provided)
~ Additional Resources and lending library (for S.A.C. members)
This sessions topic was all about Connections.
CONNECTIONS WITH EACH OTHER - 2 min Introductions -
Each attendee introduced themselves and talked about their experience. We also shared thoughts on what each member was looking for from the group. Please keep in mind, that writers off all experiences are welcome in this group. Even if you are just interested in writing for the first time, or have won awards, you can benefit from the Regional Writers Group.
Writing from the heart (songs that have to come out..raw)
Crafting a song
alternate methods of inspiration
the process
rhyming schemes
chord progressions
literary terms (metaphors, similes, alliteration, personification etc.)
tapping into the senses
*We will continue to touch on all of these topics as the upcoming months unfold.
CONNECTIONS WITH THE MUSIC INDUSTRY - (we spoke briefly about)
T.V. and Film. Other artists singing your songs. Radio play. Mentorship and connecting with other successful people in the industry. Recording studios vs home studios. Stage performance and more.
*This will be a topic that will continually be spoken about at each session as interest levels increase.
Social Media (youtube, facebook, twitter, sound cloud, reverb nation, blogging, website etc)
At a live show
Email campaigning
Snail Mail
4. SONGWRITING CHALLENGE - One of the primary goals of this group is to encourage the writing of songs, so, each month, we will put forth a songwriting challenge to share at the next session we have. Being that this first session was all about connecting, we have chosen this broad topic of our first songwriting challenge.
Writing about someone you just met or someone you are going to meet.
That look you share across a room with a stranger
(interest, flirting, challenge, someone that just rubs you the wrong way)
Connections within the world (a story song about people who may have connected along the way…a firefighter rescuing someone to a faithful companion who never leaves your side. )
You could write about something that connects people, like a book that has passed through the hands of many and the impact it has had on each one.
People who have shared in a common event (from the extreme, like a car crash - to the witnessing of a baby being born..anything goes)
The intention is to get the creative juices flowing, providing a goal or a deadline to encourage more songwriting action. Do what you can, a verse, a chorus, a bridge if you so desire…and challenge yourself to do something no matter what.
You may perform this live at our next session, or make a recording to be played in the room in the event you would rather not perform.
If at any time throughout the month you have any questions about songwriting, the group or the challenge set forth...please feel free to email me directly.
I look forward to everyones challenge, and spread the word to other writers you know and encourage them to join the Ottawa Regional Writers Group.
Till next time.
North Easton
THE NEXT SESSION is November 25th from 7pm-9:30pm at the Sandy Hill Community Centre
North Easton is an award winning songwriter who has composed more than 1000 songs and collaborated with artists all over Canada. His songs have been played on radio, t.v. and in independent films across the country. With 5 full length albums (Garrity and My Favourite Tragedy) including a completely original christmas album, North continues to write daily in search of the hooks that not only are timeless, but get stuck like gum on the shoe of your brain and never let go. (read more)
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